Move your right leg and then left leg then right hand and left hand laterally. Do a push-up while raising your leg up.Simultaneously bring both the hands down and touch your toes with your finger tips.Note: Make sure to land on your toes and keep your spine neutral when you are squatting down. Keep moving laterally two steps towards your right and left. Jump up extending your arms over the head and come back to the original push-up position.Pull the other leg close to your chest just like in a sitting position.Star Jump with toe touchStand in a wide leg stance raising your hands up in the air with a high V shape.Repeat the same as fast as possible. Now straighten your left hand and then your right hand to create a proper push- up position.Swiss Ball PullPlace both your feet shoulder width apart on the Swiss ball.The writer is master trainer, Zen Sports & Fitness.Suicide plank with lateral shuffleGet in a plank position by resting your equal weight on the fore arms.
Tuck your tummy in and maintain a proper balance. Please keep one leg in the air throughout all the repetitions..Note: Exhale while you’re pulling your knees.Now, slowly pull your knee towards your chest and push it back to the original position. Again bend your left elbow and right elbow to create a regular plank.Repeat the same thing on alternate legs.Jump up and squat down joining your feet together.Note: Jump high in the air and land softly on your toes. Do as many and trigger sprayer Manufacturers as fast as possible.Keep both your hands on the floor in a push-up position. Keep your glutes and back in a straight line.Now jump up in the air, spreading your legs and arms to the starting position.Single leg burpee with push-upStart in a push-up position with a single leg lift. Note: Make sure to keep your back flat without moving your glutes and keep your core tight.Repeat the same till you get exhausted.Repeat the same as fast as possible with complete control till you are tired and cannot perform the next repetition.